We regret to inform you that we have had to postpone this year’s Dance Competition and Workshop, Shut Up & Dance with Odyssey Dance Theatre (SUADwithODT), until next year. Unfortunately we haven’t had enough people sign up to make the event viable. With that in mind, we’re looking forward to next year’s competition. So keep your dancing shoes on, and keep practicing! We can’t wait to see you dance!!
(The information below is for informational purposes only.)
Taught/judged/and performed by actual professional dancers who are members of the amazing professional Jazz/Ballet company – Odyssey Dance Theatre! – the only professional company to have over 10 of its dancers featured on the TV hit – So You Think You Can Dance!
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to work with and get meaningful critiques from professional dancers and their artistic director – Derryl Yeager! At the end of the experience you will have the opportunity to witness a live performance from Odyssey Dance Theatre!
Utah Valley Convention Center, Provo Utah
Friday, January 20, 2017
Registration: 2pm – 3:15pm
Classes: 3:15pm – 5:30pm
Competition: 6pm – 10pm
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Registration: 7am – 8am
Classes: 8am – 11:45am
Competition (Theatre): 1pm – 10:00pm
Workshop Registration Form (PDF)
Competition Registration Form (PDF)
View Competition Rules & Regulations (PDF)
Studio Registration Form
(Choose Excel spreadsheet or Apple Numbers spreadsheet)
Click on the above links to download the PDF forms. You may need to right-click on the link, and from the pop-up menu, select “Save file as” in order to download the file. Also, you will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader DC to fill out the form.
The Provo Marriott is offering a special group rate of $99 per night to SUAD with ODT attendees.
Please have the guests in your group follow this link to receive the discount.
What level is your dancer?
Novice Level:
This category is ONLY for first time competitors that are new and inexperienced dancers. The assumed skill level is “beginning”. If we do not receive enough NOVICE LEVEL entries then NOVICE will be combined with BEGINNING LEVEL categories. Judges will judge this category the same as a BEGINNING LEVEL category based on the Routine Choreography, Execution, and Showmanship.
Beginning Level:
This category is for “beginning” dancers. Beginning dancers can be of any age, but must execute BEGINNING LEVEL skills within the routine. BEGINNING LEVEL skills include: Single Pirouettes, Chaine turns, Piqué turns (singles), Chassés, Pas de Bourrées, Straight Leaps, Stag leaps, Hops, Skips, and other beginning loco motor skills. If the dancer is trying to execute more INTERMEDIATE LEVEL skills within the routine, the judges will use their discretion as to whether penalties will be assessed based on whether the dancer has too many INTERMEDIATE LEVEL skills choreographed into the routine or not. Penalties will range from 1-5 points PER JUDGE and the judging panel MUST agree on how many points will be deducted from the over-all score. If the routine has some INTERMEDIATE LEVEL skills choreographed into the routine, but these skills are NOT executed very well, then the judges will not necessarily assess penalty points, but the judges will deduct points from the Execution portion of the judging sheet. The routine choreography MUST be focused on using BEGINNING LEVEL skills.
Intermediate Level:
This category is for “intermediate” dancers. Intermediate dancers can be of any age, but must execute INTERMEDIATE LEVEL skills within the routine. INTERMEDIATE LEVEL skills include: Double Pirouettes, Piqué turns (singles/doubles), Side leaps, Turning leaps, À la Seconde turns (straight leg turns in second position), Coupé turns (doubles), Intermediate turns sequenced together, variety of skills and footwork. If the dancer is trying to execute more ADVANCED LEVEL skills within the routine, the judges will use their discretion as to whether penalties will be assessed based on whether the dancer has too many ADVANCED LEVEL skills choreographed into the routine or not. Penalties will range from 1-5 points PER JUDGE and the judging panel MUST agree on how many points will be deducted from the over-all score. If the routine has some ADVANCED LEVEL skills choreographed into the routine, but these skills are NOT executed very well, then the judges will not necessarily assess penalty points, but the judges will deduct points from the Execution portion of the judging sheet. The routine choreography MUST be focused on using INTERMEDIATE LEVEL skills.
Advanced Level:
This category is for “advanced” dancers. ADVANCED LEVEL dancers can be of any age, but must execute ADVANCED skills within the routine. ADVANCED LEVEL skills include: Triple or Quad Pirouettes, Double/triple Piqué turns, Side leaps/switch leaps, Turning leaps, a variety of leaps, Fouetté turns, Turn Sequences/Combinations, a variety of advanced turns, advanced footwork, and intricate use of movement. No penalties will be assessed for using intermediate or beginning level skills within an ADVANCED LEVEL routine. The judges will base their scores on over-all technical ability, choreography content, musicality, and showmanship/connection to the piece.